February Fun

Connor and friends celebrating his 8th birthday by building their own sundaes.

What a pair!!

A little wrap a cupid activity in Connor's class on Valentine's Day

Daddy -Daughter Valentine's Date

We try to do date nights with the kids once a month and it worked out perfect for February. Chick-fil-a was hosting a Daddy-daughter date night so Andy and Kaylee got dressed up and headed there. Kaylee loved having her picture made with the cow and eating supper with her daddy. Daddy always enjoys a night out with his little girl. What a precious time for them both!


So excited that Cooper and Drew got to join us in the snow fun!
What a crew!

Silly faces to go with the silly snowman

What a fun hill to sled down!

Snow cream - They loved it!!

Snow angel?!

Wow! We had some major snow days this year. It snowed so much in January that the kids were out of school for a whole week and we were snowed in for most of that week!